Saturday, August 30, 2008

Dream Cast: Marvel - Part IV

On to Part IV of the ongoing quest to cast the Marvel Universe. In case you missed it, here are the links to Part I, Part II, and Part III. For Part IV, I decided to tackle the Summers family tree. So let's take it from the top.

Corsair - Tom Selleck

Honestly, the moment I saw this picture (and that mustache), I thought to myself, "that looks just like Tom Selleck!" After doing a bit of research, I found that Tom is 6'3" tall (exactly the same as Corsair). In terms of realistic family casting, it stays consistent with the general physical bearing of all the men in the Summers family. Pay attention to his hairline and jaw, you'll be seeing some nifty similarities in the people cast as his children.

Havok - Matt Damon

Enter Havok, aka Alex Summers, son of Corsair and younger brother to Cyclops. Much like being halfway through a Sudoku puzzle, casting Havok required that I account for family resemblances to both Tom Selleck and Neal McDonough. Fortunately, Matt Damon, filled that requirement nicely while still looking a fair bit like the actual illustrations of Havok. You can see that Matt and Neal both share the same general head shape and hairline, and their chins are passably similar. He does have different eyes, but let's just assume that he gets it from his mother. Matt stands at 5'10" tall (two inches shorter than Neal), so casting him at the right age would make for a believable younger brother.

Cyclops & Jean Grey - Neal McDonough & Kate Beckinsale

You can read about my choices and rationale for Cyclops and Jean Grey in Part I, this is just a quick recap for the sake of easy visual comparison.

Cable - Gerard Butler

Here's a tough one. Cable, son of Cyclops and Madelyne Pryor (a clone of Jean Grey), is a giant of a man. Standing at 6'8" tall, he's supposed to be two inches taller than Colossus even. I didn't really concern myself with finding someone of the same height, but I did need someone who was taller than Cyclops at the very least. Gerard Butler is, so far, my best hope for filling the role. He's 6'2" (two inches taller than Neal), in top physical shape (especially after his insane training regimen preparing for 300), and is visually intimidating. Imagine him slinging an enourmous energy rifle and all you really need is for him to lose his natural Scottish accent. And you can probably excuse him for breaking from the now standard Summers hairline. He probably takes after his mother anyway (which, you have to admit, is not a bad direction to take).

The way I see it, Kate Beckinsale and Gerard Butler would both have to do double duty in terms of character roles because of cloning situations. The former would need to play Madeleyn Pryor, and the latter, Stryfe. It'd be interesting to see how the actors handle the dual roles.

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