Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Hit List: Top 3 Worst Nic Cage Hairpieces

Welcome to the start of a new article series. Everyone loves lists right? Today, we're going to go with something lighthearted... and a tiny bit disturbing: Nicolas Cage's hair (or, his attempts to hide the lack of such).

I can respect a guy who doesn't hide his obviously balding dome. There are some seriously respected bald-ish actors out there that don't take flak from anyone. Can you imagine anyone dissing Kevin Spacey? Yeah, me neither. So why does a guy like Nicolas Cage persist with the ridiculous hair? He looked perfectly normal in The Rock back in 1996. Unfortunately, things have gone seriously downhill from there. Here are my top three picks for Cage's worst looks (I was going to go with top five, but then I decided that it would be needlessly sadistic on my part to subject you all to more than three... be thankful for small favors).

3. Bangkok Dangerous

Coming in at number three, we have Bangkok Dangerous. I don't care how much training he's supposed to have in the movie, that hair negates any and all assassin training in my book.

2. Next

At number two, we have Next. As the egregiousness of the hair grows, it appears that Nicolas Cage's appeal to women rises proportionally (more proof that Hollywood lies). More ridiculous than this movie's premise is the notion that his love interest is none other than Jessica Biel. Yikes.

1. National Treasure: Book of Secrets

Ringing in at number one is National Treasure: Book of Secrets. Avert thine eyes if thou knowest what is best for thee. In line with the bad hair = beautiful women formula, we see that Nic gallivants around with Diane Kruger by his side. Figures. Considering the mega budgets of some of these films, you'd think that one person, just one person involved in production would have had the common sense to tell their respective directors to ease off the hairpieces.

1 comment:

Larissa said...

This is quite an original post. And now, I'll think of you every time I see Nicholas Cage and his awful hair!